Serghei Lavrov, ministrul rus de externe, a anunțat, astăzi, că Franța a căutat să stabilească un dialog cu Moscova cu referire la „problema ucraineană” fără a implica Kievul, deși țările occidentale au spus, în repetate rânduri, că nu pot fi luate decizii cu privire la Ucraina fără implicarea ei, relatează site-ul ziarului francez Le Figaro. […]
The text indicates a technical issue ("Service unavailable") with a likely cause being "Too Many Requests". This is not directly related to the statement about Russia and France attempting to engage in a dialogue with Ukraine without Kyiv's involvement.
The main conceptual idea from the statement is that Russia and France are reportedly trying to establish a dialogue about Ukraine independently of Kyiv's participation.
The text indicates a technical issue ("Service unavailable") with a likely cause being "Too Many Requests". This is not directly related to the statement about Russia and France attempting to engage in a dialogue with Ukraine without Kyiv's involvement. The main conceptual idea from the statement is that Russia and France are reportedly trying to establish a dialogue about Ukraine independently of Kyiv's participation.